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Hangar-type residence with double canopy. $118,000 R 1 Bed 1 Bath 800 Sqft Ruby REALTY
URB. VALLE HERMOSO, HOUSE IN HORMIGUERO $138,000 R 3 Bed 2 Bath 1,015 Sqft Keller Williams Grand Homes
Multifamily with 2 Units - Large Lot $95,000 R 3 Bed 2 Bath 1,000 Sqft JCO Realty
PR-329 KM 1.8 MINILLAS VALLE SAN GERMAN, HOUSE, CEMENT-WOOD, 4-1, CANOPY + 500MC $109,000 R 4 Bed 1 Bath 1,000 Sqft Pedro Omar Realty
Property located in Bo. Naranjales, Mayaguez $110,000 R 2 Bed 1 Bath 1,000 Sqft West Terra Realty
Exclusive Opportunity to Acquire Two Houses and Lot, with Panoramic Views! $100,000 R 3 Bed 3 Bath 1,060 Sqft JCO Realty