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Excellent opportunity: Flat plot in Bo. I lived downstairs in Utuado $65,000 R 1,877 m2 RNL REAL ESTATE
KM 5.6 6-Carr. 663 Miraflores $59,000 R 3,169 m2 Altus Puerto Rico
Land for sale $69,900 R 2,947 m2 Vickmary’s Dream House Real Estate
2,947.7967 sm = 0.75 tbsp. Leveled and undulating Main access SR 455 Km. 2.8 $75,000 R 2,948 m2 Dominguez Real Estate Broker
22-Carr 602 Km 0.8 Sector El Poblado $55,000 R 1,000 m2 OG Consulting LLC
Bo. Monte Bello Sector el Cuco Manati, PR 00674 $55,000 R 1,271 m2 Island Homes LLC
Large corner lot on Highway 331 $55,000 R 1,928 m2 Ruby REALTY
807 square meters, Flat Vacant land at Arecibo PR $55,000 R 807 m2 F.A.N. Real Estate
CALLE GONZALEZ $53,000 R 950 m2 Vickmary’s Dream House Real Estate